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Relevance Of JavaScript

Is It Time to Question the Relevance of JavaScript?

Despite the existence of so many programming languages, JavaScript continues to be one of the most sought-after. With the TIOBE index placing JavaScript as the number one programming language, the exceptional popularity of the language is…

Why Java Is Still The Most Popular Programming Language?

Even while technology advances and more and more advanced programming languages come into the market, Java still seems to be the most preferred programming language amongst developers. Over the years Java has developed as a…

Does PaaS still have any value to offer?

Since the launch of cloud computing, XaaS (anything-as-a-service) models have been shining. From platforms to software, databases to infrastructure, networks to security – essentially anything can be offered to customers in a pay-per-use model. According…

Continuous Testing Benefits and Challenges

Software has become a key business differentiator for organizations worldwide. As a result, software development teams are challenged to deliver more innovative software faster to meet the dynamic needs of the industry as well as…

Your product is ready for a rewrite if….

The past few years have been witness to dramatic shifts in the software business. Globalization, new technologies, increased computing power, the rise of the digital economy and the expanding competitive landscape demands product companies to…
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Build as a Service (BaaS)

Download this white paper to know more about the revolutionary new model of product development that’s taking the IT industry by storm.